Cups & Pups
Event photos by Luka Cyprian
Cups & Pups was a hugely successful pop-up dog café fundraiser hosted by the BC SPCA and TAXI (Advertising Agency). TAXI decided to transform their café into a satellite adoption space which would give potential adopters the opportunity to meet dogs in a casual environment, as well as drive awareness and donations to the BC SPCA’s cause.
Gathering thousands of views and interest through social media and major news sources such as The Daily Hive, Global News and CBC, the event was able to attract over 100 people who eagerly lined up around the block to meet the pups. A total of $2,700 was raised from the event, and most importantly all eight dogs have since found new loving homes.
To portray the fun and quirky personalities of our canine friends, we decided to use hand-drawn illustrations of dogs interacting with our Cups & Pups logo. Using bright and punchy colours allowed our posters and collateral to stand out, and emphasized the bold and colourful presence dogs bring to our lives.
Designer | Michelle lim
Illustrator | Amy Mcleod
Copy Writer | Erich Gerl
Art Director | Will Ko
Account Manager | Laura Cranfield
Creative Director | Jay Gundzik
Agency | TAXI Advertising